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The Studio, Derbyshire

RIBA Regional Awards 2014: East Midlands

The Studio, Derbyshire
The Studio, Derbyshire Credit: Marc Ward

The Studio, Derbyshire
Studio Gedye for Studio Gedye
Contract £25,000. GIA 35m2

The fact that computer firm Apple started in a garage means that there’s a lot to be said for cottage industry – and the concept is well represented here at The Studio, where a local architect has added to a garage to create a striking working environment.

Simon Gedye built the studio himself entirely from timber and with no concrete foundations. It improves the appearance of the garage and creates a connection to the main house across the garden. The ‘elegant composition’ of timber cladding, glazing and brise soleils is spacious inside, filled with mellow, diffuse light.

The judges noted that the building  had been carefully crafted and built, but with great consideration given to its everyday use: ‘the most appealing aspect of the scheme is its casual simplicity and effortless charm’. Built on a small plot with next to no budget it is ‘a beautiful example of calm, enjoyable architecture’.


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