Costa’s Barbers by Brisco Loran and Arrant Industries: New life behind the facade19 March 2024BuildingsRetail-to-resi conversion lies behind a high street shopfrontRetail-to-resi conversion lies behind a high street shopfrontRegion: LondonMore: Brisco LoranSimon HenleyHenley HalebrownBatterseaConversionRetailDesign construction & technologyoffice
Studio Nencini, Norwich5 May 2022BuildingsAlder Brisco (now Brisco Loran and James Alder Architect) for private clientAlder Brisco (now Brisco Loran and James Alder Architect) for private clientRegion: EastMore: Alder BriscoBrisco LoranJames Alder ArchitectNorwichWorkspaceRIBA Regional Awards 2022Norfolk
Commended: Jill of All Trades13 September 2018Room within a RoomChan Brisco ArchitectsChan Brisco ArchitectsRegion: United Kingdom
House of the Year 2022 longlist announced10 July 2022BuildingsNewbuilds, conversions and renovations: 20 projects vie for House of the YearNewbuilds, conversions and renovations: 20 projects vie for House of the YearRegion: United KingdomMore: LonglistCompetitionDesign construction & technologyNewbuildConversionRenovationConservation & heritageGrand DesignsChris Foges
The nature of work is not a fixed thing13 September 2018Room within a Roomas winners of Room within a Room competition demonstrateas winners of Room within a Room competition demonstrateRegion: United KingdomMore: CompetitionsWorkplaceOfficesPrefabrication
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Commended: CReATE13 September 2018Room within a RoomRalf Thiede and Caroline BarkerRalf Thiede and Caroline BarkerRegion: United Kingdom
Winner: The Playwright’s Retreat13 September 2018Room within a RoomA joyful accommodation of introverted study and conscious displayA joyful accommodation of introverted study and conscious displayRegion: United Kingdom
Commended: Atelier Astula13 September 2018Room within a RoomThe Bakerloos Design StudioThe Bakerloos Design StudioRegion: United Kingdom
Honorable mentions13 September 2018Room within a RoomThe rest of the Room within a Room long listThe rest of the Room within a Room long listRegion: United Kingdom