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Boardman House, Norwich


Extensive renovation only hinted at outside

Credit: Joakim Boren

Hudson Architects for Norwich University of the Arts

Contract value: £3.5m

GIA: 1,474 m²

Hudson Architects has transformed a grade II* listed Sunday School building built in 1879 into an impressive new facility.

The extensive level of renovation and refurbishment internally is only hinted at outside. A double height entrance atrium acts as a focus for orientation, but is not revealed until you enter the space, as the focus is the new stair. This acts as a sculptural object with oak treads and a delicate water-cut steel balustrade which echoes the balcony detail of the existing building.

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    Credit: Joakim Boren
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    Credit: Joakim Boren
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    Credit: Joakim Boren
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    Credit: Joakim Boren

Various activities throughout the building have been thoughtfully placed by the architect according to environmental need: the lower ground floor contains a black box studio space while the upper, well-lit floors are design studios.

The building’s controlled palette of materials provides the setting for the students to occupy and colonise their spaces.

See other winners in the RIBA Regional Awards – East


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