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Home from Home RVH, Belfast

RIBA Regional Awards 2014: Northern Ireland

Home from Home RVH, Belfast
Home from Home RVH, Belfast Credit: Aidan McGrath

Home from Home RVH, Belfast
McGonigle McGrath for a private client
GIA 285m2

So understated is this infill into the terraces of the Falls Road, that you might walk past without any awareness of the good works going on behind its door. This ‘Home from Home’ initiative by the CLIC Sargent cancer charity allows kids and their parents to stay in a welcoming, domestic environment while undergoing treatment at the nearby Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children. 

Behind an unassuming but well-detailed and restrained brick facade are shared living, kitchen and dining spaces and en suite bathrooms, providing for up to four families. The architect has opened up a staircase to draw light deep into the building, a courtyard garden has been incorporated, and bedrooms have mountain views. Simple moves well executed; and a worthy project creating a supportive, restorative environment.


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