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House 19, Buckinghamshire

The beautifully detailed Corten canopy and flint work are exceptional

Credit: Grant Smith

Jestico + Whiles for private client

Contract value: Undisclosed (under £1m)

GIA: 245m2

This is a very ordinary site on the corner of two roads, sitting amid a motley and mundane collection of suburban housing, so it is remarkable that the house was initially refused planning permission. But it does at least demonstrate that the appeal process works. House 19 is a two-storey dwelling with a reduced height on the southern elevation by means of an eccentrically pitched roof form. The southerly roof can be used to maximise the incorporation of photovoltaic cells both now and in the future – integration is subtle and elegant.

  • Credit: Grant Smith
  • Credit: Grant Smith
  • Credit: Grant Smith
  • Credit: Grant Smith

The sustainability strategy is well thought through (ground source heat pump, earth tube vent system, low U-values) and works without resort to a room full of technology. It has a planted ecology roof which will be a visual amenity when seen from the properties on the west side. From the moment of arrival, you sense the quality of what lies within: the beautifully detailed Corten canopy and the flint work are exceptional. The jury unreservedly loved this house.

See other winners of the RIBA Regional Awards 2016 – South


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