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M & S Foodhall, Northallerton

A positive, considered contribution to the streetscape

M and S Foodhall, Northallerton, by GT3 Architects.
M and S Foodhall, Northallerton, by GT3 Architects. Credit: Joshua Treverton

GT3 Architects for Jomast Developments

Contract value: Confidential

GIA: 1,490m²

‘Healing a historic town centre’ was the design team’s description of this project, which the jury felt was most apt.

The new food store brings together what was a fragmented site littered with various outbuildings from the previous life of the hospital.

The three gable-ended shed-like structures respond well to the varying roof lines of the area, and help break up the volume of the 10,000ft2 retail space. The sensitive nature of the context, together with planning and conservation constraints, have clearly been beneficial in exploring the contextual sensibilities through sculpturally abstracted form, material, scale and massing.

  • M and S Foodhall, Northallerton, by GT3 Architects.
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    M and S Foodhall, Northallerton, by GT3 Architects. Credit: Kristen McCluskie
  • M and S Foodhall, Northallerton, by GT3 Architects.
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    M and S Foodhall, Northallerton, by GT3 Architects. Credit: Kristen McCluskie
  • M and S Foodhall, Northallerton, by GT3 Architects.
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    M and S Foodhall, Northallerton, by GT3 Architects. Credit: Kristen McCluskie
  • M and S Foodhall, Northallerton, by GT3 Architects.
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    M and S Foodhall, Northallerton, by GT3 Architects. Credit: Kristen McCluskie

The jury felt the store provided a positive, considered contribution to the streetscape, which in time will become part of Northallerton’s fabric and identity.

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