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New House, Brigsley

Beautifully conceived and executed

Credit: Tim Adams

Hodson Architects for private client

Contract value: £0.32m

GIA: 218m2


The house is a simple, well ordered design that has delivered the Scandinavian quality requested by the client. It is a beautifully conceived and executed piece of architecture.

  • Credit: Tim Adams
  • Credit: Tim Adams
  • Credit: Tim Adams
  • Credit: Tim Adams

The accommodation is split in two by a strong east-west axis which links a prominent tree on the western boundary through a double-height circulation space to a raised seat and pergola on the eastern edge of the site. The axis is accentuated by the glazing to each end of the hall, so that the black limestone path is visible through the house and garden.

The spaces for all areas are simple and well proportioned, especially in the living room.

On the first floor the rooms are all open to the underside of the ridge and this lofty volume works well, with plenty of natural daylight. 

See the other winners of the RIBA Regional Awards 2016 – Yorkshire


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