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Black House, Kent

A calm and simple execution

Black House, Kent.
Black House, Kent. Credit: Martin Gardner

AR Design Studio for private client
Contract value: Confidential
GIA: 344 m²

This house is highly impressive with its crisp lines and thoughtful response to the landscape. It hovers gracefully over the garden, stretching out over the views.

An inspiration was nearby Sissinghurst Castle Garden, famously a series of individual experiences each hidden by walls and hedges. In the house, principal spaces are located on the four corners, each enjoying a different relationship with the surrounding landscape.

  • Black House, Kent.
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    Black House, Kent. Credit: Martin Gardner
  • Black House, Kent.
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    Black House, Kent. Credit: Martin Gardner
  • Black House, Kent.
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    Black House, Kent. Credit: Martin Gardner
  • Black House, Kent.
    1 of 4
    Black House, Kent. Credit: Martin Gardner

The central courtyard serves as both the divider and the connector – a screen from direct views but enjoying the vistas and glimpses to the various parts. Uniform finishes of external black timber boarding and white painted interiors makes for a calm and simple execution. The only element that departs from this palette is the brick tower which, like Sissinghurst, provides the view that draws together the various parts. This is clearly a modernist design which enjoys pushing structural possibilities to achieve an impressive 7.3m cantilever.

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