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No1 New Oxford Street, West End

Attuned to the aesthetic of the art deco of the period

No1 New Oxford Street
No1 New Oxford Street Credit: Timothy Soar

Orms for TH Real Estate
Contract value: £41m
GIA: 10,000 m²
Cost per m²: £4,100

This central London scheme is a handsome refurbishment of a 1930s triangular plan building, with major alterations and extensions made in the spirit of the original building. The architect very carefully researched the original design and attuned its proposals to the aesthetic of the Art Deco of the period – in a dynamic contemporary way.

  • No1 New Oxford Street
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    No1 New Oxford Street Credit: Timothy Soar
  • No1 New Oxford Street
    1 of 4
    No1 New Oxford Street Credit: Timothy Soar
  • No1 New Oxford Street
    1 of 4
    No1 New Oxford Street Credit: Timothy Soar
  • No1 New Oxford Street
    1 of 4
    No1 New Oxford Street Credit: Timothy Soar

The top two floors of the building have been rebuilt and a ninth floor added. It is impossible to see any differentiation between the old and new aspects, as the whole facade has been meticulously tinted to match; and the new stonework has been stitched in with great care. Throughout the project the architect, in deference to the original spirit of the building and in keeping with the care with which it has approached the renovation, has gone far beyond what would normally be expected of a design for a commercial redevelopment.

See other winners in the RIBA regional awards - London: Commercial

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