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Old Shed New House

Showpiece for a lifetime's collection of books

Old Shed New House.
Old Shed New House. Credit: Greg Storrar

Tonkin Liu for private client
Contract value: Confidential
GIA: 210m²

The clients had spent several years looking for a quiet site to build their retirement home before they found a farm shed located in a wild garden, on the edge of a small village in North Yorkshire. A long double-height gallery maintains the tree-lined approach and a tall library, bounded by mirror-backed shelving, evokes the copse of silver birch found on the site.

  • Old Shed New House.
    Old Shed New House. Credit: Alex Peacock
  • Old Shed New House.
    Old Shed New House. Credit: Greg Storrar
  • Old Shed New House.
    Old Shed New House. Credit: Greg Storrar
  • Old Shed New House.
    Old Shed New House. Credit: Greg Storrar

Walking into the library through a sliding door from the living room brought gasps from the awards jury. It is the heart of the home and a showpiece for a lifetime’s collection of books. Clever use of light and mirrors give the impression that it is an art piece in itself. Otherwise this is a modest three-bedroom house, built cost effectively, but with exquisite detailing inside and out.

Yorkshire Small Project of the Year

See other winners in the RIBA Regional Awards – Yorkshire


Click to read RIBAJ's full review of Tonkin Liu's Old Shed, New House by George Grylls.


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