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Marmalade Lane Cohousing, Cambridge

An impressive display of shared living

Marmalade Lane Cohousing, Cambridge.
Marmalade Lane Cohousing, Cambridge. Credit: David Butler

East RIBA Regional Award 2019

Mole Architects for TOWN and Trivselhus with Cambridge Cohousing
Contract value: Undisclosed
GIA: 4,300 m²

This competition-winning layout introduced an additional pedestrian street into a Cambridge housing scheme. The street’s outdoor space, graded from private to public, is an impressive display of shared living, appropriate to the co-housing project. A regular repeating ‘terrace aesthetic’ masks an impressive variety of different house types, matching the varied needs of the co-housing participants. They were given free choice within a range of brick cladding options, which generated a rich elevational pattern while avoiding chaotic randomness. Marmalade Lane offers many pointers to enlightened housing projects in the future.

  • Marmalade Lane Cohousing, Cambridge.
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    Marmalade Lane Cohousing, Cambridge. Credit: David Butler
  • Marmalade Lane Cohousing, Cambridge.
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    Marmalade Lane Cohousing, Cambridge. Credit: David Butler
  • Marmalade Lane Cohousing, Cambridge.
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    Marmalade Lane Cohousing, Cambridge. Credit: David Butler
  • Marmalade Lane Cohousing, Cambridge.
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    Marmalade Lane Cohousing, Cambridge. Credit: David Butler

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