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Pocket House, East Dulwich

Efficient use of space becomes an architectural feature in itself

Pocket House, East Dulwich.
Pocket House, East Dulwich. Credit: Edmund Sumner

London RIBA Regional Award 2019

Tikari Works for private client
Contract value: Undisclosed
GIA: 105m²
Transformation of a garage plot into a small family home dealt with constraints including a height restriction and the need to maintain neighbours’ privacy by part sinking it. Efficient space use such as built-in storage becomes an architectural feature in itself. Carefully curated views plus excellent circulation and use of light make the home seem much larger. Excellent value for money and quality have been achieved. A palette of brick, timber and concrete is well finished and left exposed. Joinery is good, and the architect demonstrated cost control by using materials to their full potential, their refined detailing adding to the project’s charm. A beautiful home with warm and welcoming interiors, where every aspect of family life has been considered.
  • Pocket House.
    1 of 4
    Pocket House. Credit: Edmund Sumner
  • Pocket House.
    1 of 4
    Pocket House. Credit: Edmund Sumner
  • Pocket House.
    1 of 4
    Pocket House. Credit: Edmund Sumner
  • Pocket House.
    1 of 4
    Pocket House. Credit: Edmund Sumner

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