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Preston Bus Station refurbishment, Preston

Small things make the project sing

Preston Bus Station.
Preston Bus Station. Credit: Gareth Gardner

North West RIBA Regional Award 2019

John Puttick Associates with Cassidy+Ashton for Lancashire County Council
Contract value: £11.5m
GIA: 31,250m²
Cost per m²: £367.00

An apparently subtle restoration belies significant organisational shift at this grade II listed and iconic bus station. Shifting bus stands to one side, relocating the coach station, providing an information hub and rationalising retail units has reinstated legibility and increased the public realm. Small things make the project sing. The reuse is a major contribution to sustainability and conservation has addressed the structure’s durability.

Conservation Award
Client of the Year

  • Preston Bus Station.
    1 of 4
    Preston Bus Station. Credit: Gareth Gardner
  • Preston Bus Station.
    1 of 4
    Preston Bus Station. Credit: Gareth Gardner
  • Preston Bus Station.
    1 of 4
    Preston Bus Station. Credit: Gareth Gardner
  • Preston Bus Station.
    1 of 4
    Preston Bus Station. Credit: Gareth Gardner

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