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Kingswood Preparatory School and Nursery, Bath

Freshness in simplicity marks Kingswood Prep School

Kingswood Preparatory School and Nursery, Bath.
Kingswood Preparatory School and Nursery, Bath. Credit: Craig Auckland

South West Regional Award 2019

Stonewood Design for Kingswood Preparatory School, Bath 
Contract value: Undisclosed
GIA: 2,150m²

Set in woodland, these new buildings for Kingswood Preparatory School sit comfortably on their raised, gently undulating site, inviting with an understated charm. There is ease and space between them, their pitched roofs and low forms intentionally familiar, each scaled for the age group it serves. The walls and roofs are shingle-clad on a base of pale brick, making a beautifully textured whole. Small music rooms flank a tall and light main hall. The main internal finish is exposed cross laminated timber which, like the exterior, achieves a freshness in its simplicity.

Regional Project Architect of the Year sponsored by Taylor Maxwell: Adam Chambers

  • Kingswood Preparatory School and Nursery, Bath.
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    Kingswood Preparatory School and Nursery, Bath. Credit: Craig Auckland
  • Kingswood Preparatory School and Nursery, Bath.
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    Kingswood Preparatory School and Nursery, Bath. Credit: Craig Auckland
  • Kingswood Preparatory School and Nursery, Bath.
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    Kingswood Preparatory School and Nursery, Bath. Credit: Craig Auckland
  • Kingswood Preparatory School and Nursery, Bath.
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    Kingswood Preparatory School and Nursery, Bath. Credit: Craig Auckland

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