Exceptional use of standard construction systems to minimise waste and maximise a very tight budget
West Midlands RIBA Regional Awards 2019
Stolon Studio for private client
Contract value: £276,000
GIA: 198m²
Cost per m²: £1,394
Barn House, with its black corrugated cladding, is cut into a farmland hillside. The design provides a building that, as the client requested, looks like a house but with large interior spaces. The sides and rear are peppered with windows that perforate the facade in a playful and considered fashion. These slot-like openings have been positioned to frame views out and slowly reveal the surroundings as you move around the house. By contrast the chamfered end provides the big reveal of the setting. Overall, the design makes exceptional use of standard construction systems to minimise waste and maximise a very tight budget.
Regional Small Project of the Year