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Churchill College, Cambridge

Cottrell & Vermeulen showcases its experience with graduate housing with great virtuosity, mediating between arts & crafts and refined modernism

36 Storey's Way, Churchill College
36 Storey's Way, Churchill College Credit: Anthony Coleman

Regional Building of the Year 2022

East RIBA Regional Award 2022

Cottrell & Vermeulen Architecture for Churchill College
Contract value: Confidential
GIA: 1230m2

Nearly two decades after its first project for Churchill College, Cottrell Vermeulen Architecture has completed three further residential buildings as part of the college’s plan to enlarge its graduate quarter.

The resulting scheme showcases the practice’s experience with graduate housing with great virtuosity. A convincing, almost urban space is created between the new additions (two interlinked, one standing more independently) and earlier adjacent buildings. The design mediates between the arts & crafts traditions of Baillie Scott’s work and the refined modernism of Richard Sheppard’s college flats, both found nearby, as well as meeting the contemporary needs of the graduate community.

Shared spaces are generous, characterful and well-considered, enjoying dynamic views across the college estate. The use of materials is assured, with the tile hung elevations folding organically over a precast concrete base.


  • 36 Storey's Way, Churchill College
    1 of 4
    36 Storey's Way, Churchill College Credit: Anthony Coleman
  • 36 Storey's Way, Churchill College
    1 of 4
    36 Storey's Way, Churchill College Credit: Anthony Coleman
  • 36 Storey's Way, Churchill College
    1 of 4
    36 Storey's Way, Churchill College Credit: Anthony Coleman
  • 36 Storey's Way, Churchill College
    1 of 4
    36 Storey's Way, Churchill College Credit: Anthony Coleman

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