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Leyton House, Waltham Forest

This home feels light and spacious despite its small plot, and challenges preconceptions with a creative design response

Leyton House.
Leyton House. Credit: Fernando Manoso

Contract value: Confidential  
GIA: 188m²

This house challenges preconceptions about what is appropriate as a bookend to a short terrace of 1960s houses in a predominantly two-storey Victorian context. A creative design response to planners’ requests has endured through to completion. The setback at first-floor level helps with scale on the street and brings light into the plan. Contextually, the choice of brick at street level and timber above, at window openings and chimney termination detail, all sit together as a coherent and robust ensemble. Although the plot is small, the home feels light and spacious. Shifting planes at each floor level have allowed the creation of internal courtyards and linear rooflights, which add a further dimension. A unifying clay plaster finish flows from room to room and floor to floor, subtly changing colour and gradually descending in ever-deeper earthy tones, bringing a touch of Mexico, the owners’ other home. This is a house tectonically rich with structure, textural materiality and colour.

  • Leyton House.
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    Leyton House. Credit: Fernando Manoso
  • Leyton House.
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    Leyton House. Credit: Fernando Manoso
  • Leyton House.
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    Leyton House. Credit: Fernando Manoso
  • Leyton House.
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    Leyton House. Credit: Fernando Manoso

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