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Cromwell Place, South Kensington

A combination of restoration, intervention and minimal extension by BuckleyGrayYeoman creates an innovative hub for the art world

Cromwell Place.
Cromwell Place. Credit: Matt Chisnall

BuckleyGrayYeoman for South Kensington Estates
Contract value: £16.5m
GIA: 4431m2
Cost per m2: £3,724

Extending across a terrace of five listed townhouses in South Kensington, Cromwell Place is an innovative hub for the art world, providing rentable gallery, office and storage space for gallerists and dealers.

New interventions sit comfortably alongside carefully restored existing spaces and period features: staircases with ironwork balustrades, ornate plasterwork and baroque-style mirrors. Non-original additions were removed to make way for interlinking corridors along the rear facades, allowing the houses to remain intact. A black metal-glad gallery pavilion occupies the rear gardens, with climate-controlled storage underground and a roof form inspired by nearby mews houses.

The clean, minimal extension makes a striking counterpoint to the 13 townhouse galleries. Sensitive, legible and well-executed, the scheme gives new life to under-used buildings and creates significant cultural value.

  • Cromwell Place.
    Cromwell Place. Credit: Taran Wilkhu
  • Cromwell Place.
    Cromwell Place. Credit: Taran Wilkhu
  • Cromwell Place.
    Cromwell Place. Credit: Taran Wilkhu
  • Cromwell Place.
    Cromwell Place. Credit: Julian Cornish

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