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Lovedon Fields, King's Worthy

John Pardey Architects rural housing development is structured around a street and a triangular green, creating a good balance of order and informality

Lovedon Fields
Lovedon Fields Credit: Jim Stephenson

John Pardey Architects with BBA Architects for HAB Housing
GIA: 5,650m²

Lovedon Fields was part of the client’s objective to achieve a step-change in the design quality in rural housing developments, and in the commercial context of mass housing it is no mean feat to have achieved as much as it has.

There are good basic ingredients: mixed tenure including 40 per cent affordable dwellings and shared ownership; a mixture of apartments, terraces and detached houses; timber frames; and green public space. The layout is structured around a street and a triangular green and creates a good balance of order and informality. Unusually, about two-thirds of the site is a wildflower meadow.

External massing and composition of the houses are simple and unfussy, and the mixture of a buff/grey brick with timber cladding is well-judged. A successful feature on some houses is the timber-slatted garage creating a continuous street, and providing a generous first floor terrace connecting street, garden and open land beyond.

  • Lovedon Fields
    Lovedon Fields Credit: Jim Stephenson
  • Lovedon Fields
    Lovedon Fields Credit: Jim Stephenson
  • Lovedon Fields
    Lovedon Fields Credit: Jim Stephenson
  • Lovedon Fields
    Lovedon Fields Credit: Jim Stephenson

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