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Winsford Cottage Hospital, Devon

benjamin+beauchamp's detailed and sensitive restoration of the CFA Voysey-designed hospital has won the South West & Wessex Regional Conservation Award while the Landmark Trust is the region's Client of the Year

Winsford Cottage Hospital.
Winsford Cottage Hospital. Credit: Adrian Stenning

South West RIBA Regional Award 2022

benjamin+beauchamp architects for Landmark Trust
Contract value: Confidential
GIA: 400m²

Winsford Cottage Hospital was designed by CFA Voysey and served the community for most of the 20th century. It had suffered unsympathetic adaptions and driving rain off the nearby Atlantic coast. Much of the building’s fabric needed renewal, especially the roof, while the building’s integrity had been lost through the addition of a day room, partitions and finishes such as vinyl flooring. A deep understanding of the building’s heritage significance was developed through archival research and an invasive condition survey. A detailed and sensitive restoration has been achieved, largely due to the architect’s involvement from the outset, the knowledge and experience of the Landmark Trust, and a committed local community group’s involvement. The result is a thorough and beautiful conservation project which has restored the soul of the handsome original building.

  • Winsford Cottage Hospital.
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    Winsford Cottage Hospital. Credit: John Beauchamp
  • Winsford Cottage Hospital.
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    Winsford Cottage Hospital. Credit: John Beauchamp
  • Winsford Cottage Hospital.
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    Winsford Cottage Hospital. Credit: John Beauchamp
  • Winsford Cottage Hospital.
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    Winsford Cottage Hospital. Credit: John Beauchamp

South West & Wessex Regional Award 2022
South West & Wessex Regional Conservation Award 2022
South West & Wessex Regional Client of the Year 2022

See the rest of the South West and Wessex winners here
And all the RIBA Regional Awards here


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