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4 Cannon Street, City of London

Classic palazzo-inspired structure with a minimalist aesthetic drawn from the modernist block it replaced

4 Cannon Street.
4 Cannon Street. Credit: Michel Denanc

PLP Architecture for Pembroke Real Estate
Contract value: undisclosed 
GIA: 14,441m2

The three listed buildings it is sited between informed 4 Cannon Street’s spatial and material design as a classic palazzo-inspired structure with a minimalist aesthetic drawn from the 1950s modernist block it replaced. The new-build seven-storey office links four adjacent buildings with similar form, scale and materiality but different architectural styles. Its footprint maintains an unobstructed view between Christopher Wren’s St Nicholas Cole Abbey and St Paul’s. The lower ground provides plant room spaces, lockers, bicycle storage and office accommodation. Open spaces form a sequence of small connected areas of public realm while roof terraces offer breakout spaces for staff.

  • 4 Cannon Street.
    4 Cannon Street. Credit: Michel Denanc
  • 4 Cannon Street.
    4 Cannon Street. Credit: Michel Denanc
  • 4 Cannon Street.
    4 Cannon Street. Credit: Nathaniel Moore
  • 4 Cannon Street.
    4 Cannon Street. Credit: Nathaniel Moore

See the rest of the London shortlists here. And all the RIBA Regional Awards shortlists here

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