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University of Kent, Kennedy Building, School of Economics, Canterbury

Punched windows with bright metal highlights add rhythm to a dark brick facade, set against ancient woodland

University of Kent, Kennedy Building, School of Economics, Canterbury
University of Kent, Kennedy Building, School of Economics, Canterbury Credit: Philip Grayston

Bond Bryan for University of Kent
Contract value: £7.5m 
GIA: 3,847m2
Cost per m2: £1,950

This L-shaped teaching and research building was designed around an atrium as a flexible space for the university’s business hub. Maximising value for money and reducing embodied energy were at the heart of the project. The dark brick facade is given rhythm by the punched windows with bright metal cladding highlights, all set against an ancient woodland. An innovative hybrid lightweight structural steel frame and CLT floors allows for large spans while significantly reducing embodied carbon. It also enabled a quick and cost-effective construction period – watertight within six months of starting on site, with minimal wet trades. Other modular elements included the brick slips.


  • University of Kent, Kennedy Building, School of Economics, Canterbury
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    University of Kent, Kennedy Building, School of Economics, Canterbury Credit: Philip Grayston
  • University of Kent, Kennedy Building, School of Economics, Canterbury
    1 of 4
    University of Kent, Kennedy Building, School of Economics, Canterbury Credit: Philip Grayston
  • University of Kent, Kennedy Building, School of Economics, Canterbury
    1 of 4
    University of Kent, Kennedy Building, School of Economics, Canterbury Credit: Philip Grayston
  • University of Kent, Kennedy Building, School of Economics, Canterbury
    1 of 4
    University of Kent, Kennedy Building, School of Economics, Canterbury Credit: Philip Grayston

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