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Oakmoor School, Whitehill & Bordon

A modest palette of robust and maintenance friendly materials

HCC Property Services for HCC Children’s Services    
Contract value: undisclosed 
GIA: 7,800m2 

Oakmoor School is a 900 place secondary school, replacing the old Mill Chase Academy and located in a more central part of the town to enhance its regeneration. Responding to the mature woodland context and generally flat site, the school has been set back and designed as a rational, collegiate campus with four separate buildings ordered to create a central courtyard that is intended to act as a social and teaching hub for the school community. The Hampshire red brick is part of a modest palette of robust and maintenance friendly materials including aluminium curtain walling with extensive clear and translucent glazing – used to maximise transparency into the buildings and admit high levels of daylight while offering wide views out to the surrounding landscape.

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