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Silver How, Llanhennock

Arts and crafts stable details work harmoniously with the new interventions

Silver How, Llanhennock.
Silver How, Llanhennock. Credit: Simon Maxwell

Wales Regional Award 2019

Hall + Bednarczyk Architects for Emma & David Powell
Contract value: £890,000
GIA: 440m²
Cost per m2: 2,023

Named after a Cumbrian peak, Silver How is a new family home in Monmouthshire built with meticulous attention to detail – on a relatively modest budget given the result. The design repurposes a historic arts and crafts period stable, creating a generous kitchen and play room, and linking to a perfectly proportioned new main block set at right angle to the stable. This is built in local red sandstone. The design is simple and handled with restraint, yet also with great confidence and purpose, and intelligent use of materials and scale. The rediscovery and application of the arts and crafts stable details work harmoniously with the new interventions and contemporary sensibility. The quality is extraordinary.

RSAW Project Architects of the Year: Kelly Bednarczyk and Martin Hall

  • Silver How, Llanhennock.
    Silver How, Llanhennock. Credit: Simon Maxwell
  • Silver How, Llanhennock.
    Silver How, Llanhennock. Credit: Simon Maxwell
  • Silver How, Llanhennock.
    Silver How, Llanhennock. Credit: Simon Maxwell
  • Silver How, Llanhennock.
    Silver How, Llanhennock. Credit: Simon Maxwell
  • Silver How, Llanhennock.
    Silver How, Llanhennock. Credit: Simon Maxwell
  • Silver How, Llanhennock.
    Silver How, Llanhennock. Credit: Simon Maxwell
  • Silver How, Llanhennock.
    Silver How, Llanhennock. Credit: Simon Maxwell
  • Silver How, Llanhennock.
    Silver How, Llanhennock. Credit: Simon Maxwell
  • Silver How, Llanhennock.
    Silver How, Llanhennock. Credit: Simon Maxwell

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