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Window on Wild Lindisfarne, Lindisfarne

Gordon Murray

RIBA Regional Awards 2014: North East

Window on Wild Lindisfarne, Lindisfarne
Window on Wild Lindisfarne, Lindisfarne Credit: Keith Hunter

Window on Wild Lindisfarne, Lindisfarne
Icosis Architects for The Holy Island of Lindisfarne Community Development Trust
Contract £300,000. GIA 60.6m2

This visitor centre has been designed to draw attention to the rich wildlife and habitats en route to Lindisfarne Castle. The building is very simply and clearly crafted, breaking through the stone of the wetland boundary wall with a distinct and contemporary reinterpretation of it. A sequence of planes steers the visitor through the building from the dark to the light and creates open views over the wetland. Slots in the walls frame glimpses of the castle and a lookout tower. 

The building is topped by a thinly expressed self-seeded green roof formed from soil excavated for the development. This is an exquisite and delicate building carefully integrated into a truly exceptional setting.

  • Credit: Keith Hunter
  • Credit: Keith Hunter

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