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Hackney Town Hall, Hackney

Really impressive detailing

Hackney Town Hall, Hackney.
Hackney Town Hall, Hackney. Credit: Grant Smith

Hawkins\Brown for London Borough of Hackney
Contract value: Confidential
GIA: 9,500m²

This was a long-term multi-phased conservation project carried out on a very well used civic building. It is more than simply a refurbishment though, as certain architectural moves have made significant improvements. The entrance sequence has been rearranged, sweeping away more recent additions, and the resulting layout is in fact an improvement on the original which was a little cramped.

  • Hackney Town Hall, Hackney.
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    Hackney Town Hall, Hackney. Credit: Siobhan Doran
  • Hackney Town Hall, Hackney.
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    Hackney Town Hall, Hackney. Credit: Siobhan Doran
  • Hackney Town Hall, Hackney.
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    Hackney Town Hall, Hackney. Credit: Siobhan Doran
  • Hackney Town Hall, Hackney.
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    Hackney Town Hall, Hackney. Credit: Siobhan Doran

Two external courtyards have been covered over to create entertainment spaces, and each includes a metal screen to conceal services at one end. These larger moves are generally well-judged but the really impressive work is the detailing. New bespoke brass light fittings based on one existing chandelier were commissioned from the same foundry as the originals, stone tiles were sourced from same continental quarry, and new loose furniture was commissioned to match original bespoke items. 

See other winners in the RIBA Regional Awards – London: Community 

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