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Westering, Devon

RIBA Regional Awards 2014: South West / Wessex

Westering, Devon
Westering, Devon Credit: Nigel Rigden

Westering, Devon
Annie Martin for James and Melissa Brooks Warner
Contract £450,000. GIA 210m2

Westering is a modest three-bedroom home in Dartmoor National Park, designed for a newly retired couple. The judges noted the simple legibility of its layout, with the lower ground floor sunk into the sloping site between local granite retaining walls, putting south-facing bedrooms beneath an oversailing cedar-clad upper level of living and dining spaces. The judges’ verdict: It is carried out with ‘an optimism and simplicity that marry with down-to-earth detailing, avoiding the vanity detailing of chic urban houses’. 

And it generates more energy than it uses too.


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