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Autumn reading list: New tech titles to enrich your practise

Jan-Carlos Kucharek

PiP recommends three valuable books for everyday work, covering diversity in architecture, building a natural swimming pool and conceptual design in structures. Buy at

Inclusion Emergency: Diversity in Architecture
Hannah Durham and Grace Choi eds. RIBA Publishing 228p PB £35

True diversity continues to elude the profession and best intentions can be lost in the day-to-day struggle of keeping a practice going. This book is perhaps a timely reminder that not addressing it in the profession could have serious implications for the built environment we create. These 23 essays are first-hand accounts from people in the profession on gender, sexuality, neurodiversity, disability, religion and exploitation. Your firm may not yet have an EDI policy in place; this book explains, with affecting simplicity, why it should.


How to Build a Natural Swimming Pool: The complete guide to healthy swimming at home
Wolfram Kircher and Andreas Thon. Filbert Press 328pp HB £35

Published in German before Covid, this is the book’s first translation into English, covering what might seem the unfathomable complexities of natural pool building. It takes you from first principles to maintenance via a step-by-step construction guide for the pool plus planting ideas. Chapter 8 is devoted to describing bugs you might want in it – or not! The last third is case studies, only three of which are in the UK; perhaps we’ll see more now wild swimming is off the UK menu!


Conceptual Design of Structures Connecting Engineering and Architecture
Pierluigi D’Acunto, Patrick Ole Ohlbrock, Roland Pawlitschko eds. Birkhäuser 220pp HB £56

A professor of structural design, an architect and critic, and a practising structural engineer group these symposium presentations on open-ended themes of ‘Challenging Gravity’, ‘Exposed or Concealed’, ‘Learning from the Past’ and ‘Common Responsibilities’. Nicely readable with fascinating global drawings and photos of early-applied engineering, alongside interviews and discussions. Sergio Musmeci’s gorgeous 1967 bridge in Potenza doesn’t make the cut, but you can’t have it all.



Tuesday 1 October 2024,  12:00-13:30

Reinventing the Home webinar

Foster + Partners’ masterplan for the ancient earthquake-struck city of Antakya in Turkey is part of a speedy rebuild that’s vital to keep this special place alive

Masterplan is part of critically speedy rebuild

Last week’s report placed particular criticism at the feet of Studio E, the architect behind the tower’s refurbishment. John Jervis summarises its findings and recommendations for the profession

Summarising the report's findings and recommendations for the architecture profession

From the BBC’s Bush House in central London to Amsterdam, PiP’s doors, windows and ironmongery specified selections are pure poetry and romance

PiP’s specified selections are pure poetry and romance

Draper Studio’s addition to a mid-terrace Victorian house in east London is a playful, wry nod to follies and grottoes found in English Romantic gardens

Draper Studio’s addition to a mid-terrace Victorian house pioneers the domestic use of limestone brick product